
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Less reasonable

Reasonable if a sister aged 6 years crying.  But feels weird, when she cries caused by romance drama.
Me : Hey what's up? why are you crying?
Sis  : Sad to see that girl. She was very confused, which guy will she choose.
Me : Pardon ? what do u talking about ? That movie ?
Sis  : Yes.
Me : Do you understand ?
Sis  : (*She was smile and blush)
Me : Ok explain me. How can you cry to see that movie ?
Sis  : That girl was confused and ...
Me : And ?
Sis  : She was hurt by the boys, and she cried.
Me : Hurt ? How can you say she hurt  ?
Sis :  I can see. I knew she was hurt.

And i was speecless..