
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Only Post

Well, a few weeks ago I was in the hospital.  I may have been infected from my sister but, the main reason is my lifestyle. I often eat junk food, fast food, and almost every day to drink softdrink. I sleep only 4-5 hours per day and in the morning do a lot of activities. Someone said, "how can you love someone else, while you don't love yourself !" Damn she's right. Consequently, I have suffered from illness,
three weeks didn't go to college, and certainly waste a lot of money. And for my father, how much i love you dadd :') he left a work meeting, and visit me. Thanks to My dear friends and @psikopad11.
I didn't ask for anyone reading this. I just want to keep on the blog, so that I always remember.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Different treatment to girls and boys

Son : Hey dad ! I got a girlfriend!
Dad : Nice son, is she hot ?
Son : Hell yeah !

Girl : Hey dad ! I got a boyfriend !
Dad : *Loads shotgun

About Girls

When a girls says "It's okay, I'm fine, or don't worry about it" , it's not okay, she's not fine, and you should definitely worry about it.

Common lies

Common lies from guys

I'm sorry, I won't hurt you, I love you

Common lies from girls

I'm fine, I'm not mad at you, I don't love you, don't worry

Monday, September 16, 2013

People who pretend as schizophrenia

Do you believe a schizophrenia to say this ?
I am a schizophrenia. and I'm emotionally dead , Its been 5 years since I was diagnosed. I wounder if I would be in love someday , I can't cry in hard times , How could I react if I just didn't crush on anyone
yet ,
Please tell me , Can I do something about it :(

I was sad to hear him. But,
I don't know if he really Sz or just pretending? He may be right, but I've heard of people who pretend Sz.

In medicine, it’s called “malingering” if a patient is trying to deceive someone by faking, feigning or exaggerating symptoms.

Doctors try to discover fakers the same way that people good at detecting lies discover liars. They look for inconsistencies, or things that don’t quite match.
For instance, if a supposed schizophrenic can tell you clearly and without confusion that they’re extremely confused, their actions don’t correspond with what they are saying. A very confused person can’t clearly say how confused they are.
Or, if they act mentally disorganized while talking with a psychiatrist, yet later they can play chess with another patient, something doesn’t match.

It’s considered an advanced skill to detect a malingering schizophrenic, because a psychiatrist must know in detail the difference between real and fake psychotic symptoms.

So how do doctors catch the fakers?

I've read the article : DECEPTOLOGY

A malingerer is like an beginning actor who’s overacting. A beginning actor may try to play a drunk person by slurring every word and swaying and falling down, but an experienced actor knows what a drunk is like, and plays the drunk as someone who is drunk, but is trying to act normal.

Many people who try to fake a mental illness try to “play crazy.”
A faker will try to make their illness front and center, and make their psychosis the first thing they want to discuss, while a real patient will be reluctant to explain their symptoms.

so, what motive someone to do "malingering"?

Thursday, July 11, 2013

I do believe that good things will come for those who believe in the goodness of life for our love life and friendship. At the right time, with the right person, and in the right way.

saya menemukan kata ini, entah dari mana

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Salah Fokus

When i text my dad.

First ...
Me         : Papi, how are you ?
Papi       :  yeah, what's up?  You still have the money right ?
Me         : -__-“ *(I didnt mean it like that. Even my dad didn’t answer my question)

Me         : Papi ?
Papi       :  yes,  your money is up, kid ?
Me         :  Emmmmmmmmm *(That's right! But i didnt ask  like that.  When I  text him,  his stereotypes I need money

A moment....
Me         : Papi, Minal aidin ....( because the month of Ramadan is coming)
Papi       : Yes kid, the same to you. Tonight i will transfer the money.
Me         : Whatttttttt ??? Oh My God *( keterlaluan sekali :'( !!!! )

Friday, June 28, 2013


This time I want to talk about the reality of life. Every day we grow and develop to maturity. over time, we have a greater responsibility and we have many challenges. An ad saying "it's fun to be an adult, but it's hard to be lived" And yes, i agree. Growing into adulthood, a lot of things to consider. I've principled : “Let the past was passed, don’t think much about the future”. But actually it's not true, it is too naive. If we use the principle, we only have a little motivation for developing because the goal is less systematic. So make changes. I realized, life is hard so we have to fight to live. Life is a constant struggle. A constant battle. The weak, be eliminated. Sounds painful, but that's the reality. My friend said “ Don’t try to play with time”. Yes, the time will not come back to you and you'll regret it. You cannot travel back in time to fix your mistake. But Leon brown said “ You can learn from them and forgive yourself for knowing better. So, the point is we have to try, to learn, to appreciate life, respect for time, and we can reap the results

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Kenapa wanita menyukai pria lebih tua ?

Ada seorang pria bertanya, mengapa wanita lebih suka berkencan dengan orang yang cukup lebih tua dari mereka ? Misalnya cewek 18 tahun sering ditemukan kencan dengan cowok umur 23 atau 24 tahun ? Hasil surey yang saya temukan pada tanggal 18 juni 2013 adalah : Pria lebih tua lebih matang secara emosional, memiliki edukasi yang lebih baik, dan memiliki lebih banyak pengalaman. Dan hal itu yang membuat wanita menjadi lebih nyaman. Selain itu adalah finansial. Dengan pria yang lebih tua, biasanya sudah memiliki rencana yang terarah dan secara finansial lebih mantap.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Adam Levine

There's two kind of men : there are many who are f***** misogynist pigs, and then there are men just who really love women, who think they're the most amazing people in the world. And that's me. Maybe the reason i was promiscuous, and wanted to sleep with a lot of them, is that i love them so much. And many people are saying that he is "bimbo". Then adam said "When 'The voice' came around, i thought, 'people now know that i have a brain. 'I wanted to create a little balance"

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Trust me "galau akademik" more painful than "galau asmara"

Ketika lo galau asmara, itu biasa. Lo bisa hibur dengan pergi nonton, jalan-jalan, atau apapun dengan hobi lo. Setelah itu ketemu patner baru ya udah jatuh cinta lagi. Intinya sih ga bakal lama ko. Tapi kalau lo galau akademik, masyaAllah serasa masa depan lo rusak. Ya ialah, akademik penting banget untuk kita apa lagi mahasiswa. Masa depan sih pasti, pasti di depan. Tapi apa yang terjadi, lo ga bakal tau kan. Kalau disuru pilih galau asmara atau galau akademik, gue ga papa deh galau asmara 3x dari pada galau akademik sekali (bukan berarti doain diri sendiri)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Human instinct of love

Hi, I just want to share about love. Love hmm, sound great. Love when people find themselves more meaningful, colorful, and whatever. Love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment. Love is also said to be a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection. Love has a broad scope. love of God, family, friends, relatinship etc. “You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams “(Dr. Seuss) Love cannot be found where it doesn't exist, nor can it be hidden where it truly does (David Schwimmer). So love can attack anyone and it doesn’t matter with who you fall in love, when you fall in love, and where you fall in love. This like we don’t have a choice. Yes we don’t have a choice. Even, we can fall in love with who never meet. Sound crazy, but it is love. Love is blind and paralyze. “ When you fall in love, you can do anything to make someone you love happy. Everything!!! it was more than enough for you. Do you ever fall in love ? Maybe yes and maybe no. I know I've fallen in love because I have a heart and I know I have a heart because I feel it breaking :’( . Love is beatifull but there are times when we are really sick of love. This is what the love of endless misery (cut pat kai ) what happens to our bodies ? The brain sends signals to the adrenal gland, which secretes hormones such as adrenaline, epinephrine and norepinephrine. They flow through the blood and cause the heart to beat faster and stronger. Other than that, hormones such as phenylethylamine or PEA, norepinephrine, dopamine, oxytocin, testosterone and endorphins also affect what is perceived by someone. sumber gambar : http://monatalina.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/hormon-cinta-copy.jpg

Friday, February 8, 2013

Galau ? Cara atasinya gimana ?

Hai kali ini saya akan membahas mengenai Galau. Oke, semuanya sudah tau kan arti galau ? Galau adalah suatu bentuk kecemasan. Kalau Deddy Corbuzier sih bilangnya God Always Understanding .Galau yaitu perasaan bingung, ambigu, bimbang, yang meresahkan. Saya yakin 100% anda sudah pernah mengalami galau (kecuali anda menyangkalnya). Galau itu wajar tema-teman. Itu salah satu hal yang memang ada pada manusia normal. Tidak masuk PTN galau, gagal lamar kerja galau, nilai jeblok galau, jatuh cinta galau, putus cinta juga galau. Wah apa-apa tetap saja galau yah. Ternyata saya lihat diberbagai artikel dan akun twit mengatakan (Say No To Galau) hellow WTH ! Jangan naif deh. Yang bilang gitu emangnya gak pernah galau ? Dosen saya Fedrick D Purba alias bang Jeki mengatakan : “Kalau anda galau tentang sesuatu, itu bagus karena artinya anda mikir. Cari tahulah sebanyak mungkin, lalu putuskan. Galau lalu diam, kacau !” Galau adalah belajar mengakui kelemahan kita dan berpasrah diri atas apa yang kita lakukan. Jadi, yang harus kita bahas sekarang adalah bagaimana cara agar galau tidak menyebabkan stress, gimana sih melakukan katarsis or displacement(menyalurkan) dari emosi yang kita rasakan. Nah saya coba beri beberapa tips yang dilakukan untuk orang yang galau. 1.Cari aktivitas dan buat diri anda sibuk. Dengan begitu tenaga anda tersalurkan disana, bukan meratapi galau. 2.Nonton film. Yah tergantung selera sih, tapi bagusnya tuh yang sedih-sedih, biar anda nangis dan plong deh setelah itu. 3.Dengar lagu. Yah tergantung selera juga sih, tapi saran saya sih lagu yang ngebeat dari pada lagu sedih, nanti tambah galau lagi. 4.Nah, anda bisa juga twitteran, fb, atau apapun di jaringan social. Tapi INGAT, jangan tulis semua perasaan anda di jaringan social. Anda gak perlu ngumbarin isi perasaan anda di twit atau fb. Nanti malah orang mikirnya norak lagi. Kan bisa tuh galaunya lebih keren dikit. Jadilah seorang galau yang cool. Anda bisa membuat kata-kata bermanfaat di akun anda atau kata-kata yang ambigu dikit. 5.Anda bisa juga menulis diari di buku,computer, atau laptop. Jangan mikir kalau nulis diari itu lebai dan untuk anak abg. Diari itu sangat bermanfaat loh. Selain anda bisa menyalurkan emosi anda, anda juga bisa menfeedback diri anda dan lebih mengenal diri anda. So why not ? Itu tips-tips yang pernah saya coba. Semoga bisa membantu. Pesan saya adalah JANGAN MALU DENGAN GALAU, ambil positifnya, dan Jadilah Orang galau yang cool.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Hai. Hari ini saya pengen banget bercerita tentang teman dekat saya selama kuliah. Kadang saya mikir, wah ko bisa yah kenal sama mereka ( Puri(21), Ciwe (31), Sendi(37). Ichameg(105), Tasya (145) )Kalau saya gak kuliah di Unpad khususnya psikologi, apakah bisa berteman sama mereka ? Cerita awal berteman sama mereka sih cukup kompleks. Biasanya, orang ketika mulai berteman itu karena ada banyak kesamaan, passion, interest, or something lah. Tapi kami disini secara umum sangat berbeda. Even, hal-hal kecil aja selalu beda. Seperti ketika mau nonton film, memutuskan kaset yang dinonton saja sangat – sangat lama, begitu banyak perdebatan hahaha. Karena semuanya memiliki choice yang berbeda. Yah namanya juga individual difference, dan kami sangat menghargai itu. Yang saya suka dari mereka adalah saling respect. Dan itu penting loh dalam pertemanan, sedekat apapun kita, kita harus tetap respect. Kelebihan dari mereka juga adalah selain talk aktif mereka juga pendengar yang baik, mereka balanced dalam hal itu. Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa seorang yang talk aktif kan juga harus menjadi pendengar yang baik. Pokoknya suatu kebanggaan juga bisa berteman sama mereka. Kadang saya bingung juga, gila kita tuh banyak banget perbedaanya, tapi ko keep yahh. Nah, ternyata The most important of friendship is tolerance. Bagaimana anda bisa berteman without toleranse, bagaimana bisa anda berteman kalau anda itu egois ? Yang paling saya suka dari mereka adalah, sangat menerapkan ilmu psikologi nya kali ya. Jadi sikap dan perilaku apapun yang kita tampilkan, mereka melihat latar belakangnya sehingga mereka bisa mengerti dan memahami itu tanpa menjudge sembarangan. Mereka juga sudah saya anggap seperti keluarga, mungkin karena saya jauh dari orang tua dan kebanyakan menghabiskan waktu sama mereka. Begitu banyak nilai yang saya terima dari mereka positive atau negative but most of all I’ve learned. Thankyou So much. Dan kalian harus tahu bahwa saya sangat sayang sama kalian (tidak bermaksud dramatis) Love you