
Monday, November 3, 2014

Bingung akan menjadi apa atau nanti kerja apa ? Lihat ini

Hi teman-teman sejawat. Kemarin saya ikut seminar work preparation board yang diadakan oleh kampus saya. Apa sih alasan saya datang ke seminar ini, karena jujur saya masih bingung, kedepannya saya akan kerja dibidang apa. Dan saya cukup tertekan untuk menghadapi dunia kerja nantinya. Nah, saya setidaknya ingin membagi apa yang sudah saya dapatkan diseminar tersebut dengan alasan semoga dapat membantu orang-orang yang masih bingung kedepannya akan melakukan apa.

Ini dia guys step yang bisa kamu lakukan. Saran ambil alat tulis yah.
1 1.   Knowledge your self
·         Hate this
Coba teman-teman pikirkan, hal apa saja yang teman-teman tidak sukai.
·         Love that
Coba teman-teman memikirkan, hal-hal apa saja yang teman-teman sukai. Kalau perlu catat ini.
·         I’m bad at
Disini teman-teman coba pikirkan, coba bayangkan, dan tulis teman-teman kurang dimana. Misalnya skill, ability, dan sebagainya.
·         I’m good at
Disini sebaliknya, teman-teman pikir, bayangkan, dan tulis, hal positif apa yang ada didalam diri kamu. Kemampuan apa yang kamu kuasai, keterampilan apa yang kamu kuasai, dan sebagainya.

2 2 . Set your goals
·         2-3 tahun
Coba sekarang buat rencana, 2-3 tahun kedepan akan melakukan apa atau apa ang ingin dicapai.
·         8-10 tahun
Coba sekarang buat rencana, 8-10 tahun kedepan apa saja yang ingin dicapai.

   3.    Set your action plan (plan A and B)
·         Plan your succes
Rencanakan kesuksesan kamu. Untuk mencapai goal kamu, hal apa saja yang harus kamu lakukan. Dan ketika kamu nanti sukses pada tujuan atau rencana kamu, apa yang kamu akan lakukan.
·         Plan your fail
Maksudnya disini adalah coba pikirkan, kemungkinan-kemungkinan apa yang akan kamu perbuat jika kamu gagal untuk mencapai tujuan kamu. Persiapkan diri dengan rencana ketika kamu tidak sukses mencapai target atau tujuan kamu.

   4.  Fulfill the gab
 Lakukan hal-hal yang menunjang tujuan kamu. Lakukanlah action plan kamu.
·         School
·         Course
·         Dan lain-lain

Friday, July 4, 2014

Random Boy

Onetime, one boy came and chat to me.
Boy        :  Hi, I want to consult.
Me         : Haha, What ? what consutation ?
Boy        : What a nice thing to think about before sleep ?
Me         : Umm, i don’t know. Everybody have a diffrent ways.
Boy        : How to eliminate the problem and leave it to God ?
Me         : You want spiritual counseling? I am not the right person. If you want to forget the problem, do not keep thinking about it. Just Forget it. Think of the things that make you feel peaceful. Or share your problems to your friends.
Boy        : Think of the things that make you feel peaceful ? for example...
Me         :  May think of a parent, a pet, your girl, etc. Anythings that make you peaceful.
Me         : LEFT CHAT.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

How can you kill your ex (the person you used to love)

A tale of teenage love gone awry
Saturday March 8, 2014

The Jakarta Post
Elizabeth Diana was deeply shocked to learn that brutal murde of her only child, Ade Sara Angelina Suroto, may have been commited by her daughter’s ex-boyfriend, who she once regarded as her own son. The mourning woman, however, said she fully forgave the alleged killer, as well as his new lover who is suspected of assisteng her boyfriend in the murder of 19-year-old Sara.
Elizabeth said she trusted the police to uphold justice for her family. According to the police , the suspected murderers could be facing the death penalty.
Speaking to reporters after her daughter’s funeral at Pondok Kelapa Cemetery in East Jakatarta on Friday afternoon, 40-year-old Elizabeth looked strong and offered a spirit of forgiveness to  the alleged killers.
“I believe they are good kids. They just could not control their internal bad sides,” said Elizabeth, regarding the suspected killers.
Jakarta police spokesman Sr. Comr. Rikwanto said that the police had arrested two suspects, identifies as Ahmad Imam Al Hafitd, 19, and his girlfriend Assyifa Ramdhani, also 19. Hafitd, Assyifa and Sara became friends when they studied  together at a public senior hight school in East Jakarta, from which they graduated last year.
Rikwanto said that, according to prelimanary questioning, the police believed the two suspects had commited the murder out of anger, jealousy and a fear of being abandoned..
Citing investigator, Rikwanto described Hafitd as Sara’s ex-boyfriend. Hafitd told the police that he was angry and brokenhearted because Sara had refused to answer his telephone calss or respond to his other communication effort after their relationshiap broke up last year.
Meanwhile, Hafitd’s, new girlfriends , ‘Assyifa, confessed that she was jealous because Hafitd was always thinking about Sara and not about her. She regarded Sara as a major obstacle in her relationship with Hafitd.
Sara’s body was found on the side of the West Bekasi toll road on Wednesday morning. She was a student at Bunda Mulia University in Pademangan, North Jakarta. On Tuesday evening, she was allegedly picked up by Hafitd and Assyifa from Gondangdia train station in Central Jakarta. It is believed that Hafitd and Assyfa then tortured Sara insede a car until she died, the fore dumping her body on the side of the toll road .... continue

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Less reasonable

Reasonable if a sister aged 6 years crying.  But feels weird, when she cries caused by romance drama.
Me : Hey what's up? why are you crying?
Sis  : Sad to see that girl. She was very confused, which guy will she choose.
Me : Pardon ? what do u talking about ? That movie ?
Sis  : Yes.
Me : Do you understand ?
Sis  : (*She was smile and blush)
Me : Ok explain me. How can you cry to see that movie ?
Sis  : That girl was confused and ...
Me : And ?
Sis  : She was hurt by the boys, and she cried.
Me : Hurt ? How can you say she hurt  ?
Sis :  I can see. I knew she was hurt.

And i was speecless..